** Dear friends and colleagues,
If you happen to be in Berlin on Friday 1st July or in Flushing on Sunday the 
3rd July, I will perform SKIN and WEB-MINDSCAPE.  It would be great to see you 

best wishes,
Claudia Robles-Angel

** SKIN - audiovisual performance with bio-data -

** The concert features also hitmachine by Peter Wiessenthaner


** Friday 1st July  8:30  pm

** Bürknerstraße 12 12047 Berlin

** For more information:


** SKIN: Photo by Roland Baege

** WEB-MINDSCAPE - Performance for brain waves, light and sound -

Finissage of ENERGIE WECHSEL - an exhibition curated by Dr. Uwe Rueth

on this occasion I will present the performance version of WEB-MINDSCAPE  at 
the former water reservoir of the water tower at the IK Foundation. A 
publication about the ENERGIE WECHSEL exhibition will be launched.

Sunday 3rd July 2pm
Stichting IK
Vlissingsestraat 239 a
4388 HC Vlissingen

More information:


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