Hi - dieses Mal auf Englisch, weil es um eine Stelle in Australien geht:

This came from Rewa Wright, herself a PhD candidate with Prof. Anna Munster and a very insightful scholar of new media art.

Please contact Prof. Munster directly. - Tamiko


Rewa (r.wri...@student.unsw.edu.au) says:

This is a fully funded scholarship for up to 4 years for a new PhD student.The Department of Art and Design at UNSW, where Anna and myself are based, is a very pro-female, multicultural, LGBT-friendly workplace and I would highly recommend it. Research funding in Australia is quite generous ( usually about $26,000 PA ).

UNSW is located in Paddington, a suburb of Sydney, Australia

Professor Anna Munster says:

I have a scholarship available to a PhD student for 3 years (and the uni will fund the 4th year extension). But I need a special kind of person. I need someone who can or is capable of learning some database programming skills / wants to experiment with data rendering/data viz AND is over media studies and/or STS or critical visual cultural theory or even political theory/ software studies etc. In some ways this is a bit more like a ‘science’ PhD model but of course I would allow quite a lot of creative outcomes for the person concerned.

If you know of anyone who wants to come do a PhD with me but is willing to work more on a specific project - specifically looking at the technological and visual histories of machine learning/pattern recognition and neural networks and to find a way of tracing and visually rendering that history in a meaningful (not infographics) way via data analytical methods as those assemblages conjoin with political, social and cultural forces across some specific empirical domains (facial recognition, for example)– please let me know!


Anna Munster

Associate Professor,
Faculty of Art and Design
University of New South Wales
P.O Box 259
NSW 2021 Australia
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