October 5 – 7 2018
​Opening: Friday, Oct 5 / 19h
@ Abteilung für Alles Andere / Ackerstraße 18 / Berlin-Mitte


Karl Blossfeldt, Campanule des Acores (Campanula Vidalii), nd. 
Sarah Jones, Cabinet (XI) (Orchid), 2014. 
Tereza Zelenkova, Poppyhead II, 2017. 
Nikola Zelmanowic, Woven Jacquard, 2017. 
Rut Blees Luxemburg, Urban Vine, 2018.


In Spring 2011, a popular revolt occurred in Tunisia that is generally known as 
the Jasmine Revolution. Jasmine is culturally important in Tunisia with the 
white blossom widely understood as a symbol of purity; the revolt against 
President Ben Ali aimed to clean up corrupt government and to purify the 
country. Hence the linkage of jasmine and revolution. Other countries, too, 
have had emancipatory moments that are associated with flowers. In Portugal the 
overthrow of the dictatorship of General Salazar in 1974 is often called the 
Carnation Revolution, referencing in particular the soldiers who put carnations 
in the barrels of their rifles. More recent examples include the Rose 
Revolution (Georgia, 2003), the Tulip Revolution (Kyrgyzstan, 2005) and the 
Lotus Revolution (Egypt, 2011).
Flowers continue to be powerful symbols of collective hope and liberation. Yet 
at the same time, they are also strongly linked to death and disaster. Thus, 
improvised floral shrines abounded in the vicinity of the Twin Towers shortly 
after the September attacks in 2001. And comparable contrasts exist more 
modestly in everyday life, most obviously with the ubiquitous presence of 
flowers at celebrations and mournings, weddings and funerals. One can 
confidently assert, then, following anthropologist Jack Goody, that a culture 
of flowers is pervasive and near universal, with strong historical roots going 
back to the Ancient World.
The exhibition presents four contemporary artists with an interest in flowers. 
Rut Blees Luxemburg and Sarah Jones are both teachers on the MA Photography 
programme at the Royal College of Art, London. They are joined by two of their 
recent graduates, Tereza Zelenkova and Nikola Zelmanowic. Guest of honour is 
Karl Blossfeldt (1865-1932). 
Berlin-based Blossfeldt photographed magnified plant details that were 
frequently used as reference material by Jugendstil artisans at the start of 
the 20th Century. In many ways, he was a jobbing photographer whose status as 
an artist came later. Above all, it was the New Photographers in twenties 
Germany who hailed him as a prophet for his unpretentious photographic records 
that identified close affinities between natural forms and numerous styles of 
architecture. He was also hailed in France at roughly the same time. Some 
writers, like Amédée Ozenfant, re-iterated the ideas associated with New 
Photography. But dissident Surrealist Georges Bataille took a different line, 
selecting images by Blossfeldt that appeared base and sexually charged, 
undermining the familiar association of flowers and elevated sentiments. 
Campanule des Acores, used to illustrate Bataille’s article ‘The Language of 
Flowers’ (1929), is included in the exhibition.
Cabinet (XI) (Orchid) by Sarah Jones is part of a series recently exhibited at 
Maureen Paley Gallery (London) and Anton Kern Gallery (New York). Each image 
could be described as a black monochrome. Hints of the paintings of Kazimir 
Malevich and Ad Reinhardt, to be sure, but her monochromes are produced in the 
darkroom and also contain diverse subject matter. In this respect, (Orchid) is 
emblematic. Intense blackness dominates the image, gently disrupted by a 
fragile white flower.  
Poppyhead II appears in Essential Solitude, a book and an exhibition by Tereza 
Zelenkova with multiple allusions to life around 1900. One can reasonably 
assume, therefore, that her close up, shadowy image is intended as a homage to 
Blossfeldt. However, at the start of the 21st century more sinister 
associations are unavoidable. Consider a narco state like Colombia – in the 
highlands, beautiful poppies in bloom and in the lowlands, their conversion 
into cocaine or heroin for global distribution. A vivid instance of how flowers 
frequently represent the ‘intertwinement of life in death’, to cite 
anthropologist Michael Taussig.    
The series Speculative Acceleration by Nikola Zelmanowic includes the image 
Woven Jacquard. The vivid floral headscarf is a familiar sight across Central 
and Eastern Europe, and in this case was photographed in Croatia. The artist 
informed me that he has a keen interest in the language of flowers – now often 
forgotten – that informs this traditional attire. Here, though, his concerns 
are slightly different, deploying a variety of experimental techniques to 
translate an analogue photograph into a digital image with new, indeterminate 
Rut Blees Luxemburg lives and works in London, a megacity in which 
globalisation is experienced on a daily basis with the continuous movement of 
humans, technological transfers, financial flows, data streaming, changing 
ideological currents, and so on. Urban Vine was included in her recent 
exhibition Eldorado Atlas (Paris: Galerie Dominique Fiat), photographed in her 
local neighbourhood, close to Old Street. Atlas alludes to the incommensurable 
megacity, whilst Eldorado references the surreptitious re-appearance of nature 
in seemingly inhospitable surroundings. The two aspects are condensed in the 
single image of a local corner shop with a wild vine blossoming in the shadow 
of a satellite dish.
Appropriately, the exhibition is displayed in the form of floral wallpaper.
(David Evans)

Further reading:
Georges Bataille,’The Language of Flowers’ (1929) in: Allan Stoekl, ed., 
Visions of Excess: Selected Writings,1927-1939 (Minneapolis: University of 
Minnesota Press, 1985), pp. 10-14. 
Jack Goody, The Culture of Flowers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 
Michael Taussig, ‘The Language of Flowers’, Critical Inquiry 30:1 (Autumn 
2003), pp. 98-131.

The Language of Flowers (Revisited) was curated by David Evans and designed by 
Rachel Pfleger. It is shown at the Institut für Alles Mögliche (Berlin), 5 – 7 
October, 2018.

www.karl-blossfeldt-archiv.de <http://www.karl-blossfeldt-archiv.de/>
www.maureenpaley.com <http://www.maureenpaley.com/> (Sarah Jones)
www.terezazelenkova.com <http://www.terezazelenkova.com/>



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