

via facebook

> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 11:46 AM via InetBib
> > >
> > > Der Forschungsverbund E-Read http://ereadcost.eu/ ... hat die 
> > > Stavanger-Erklärung veröffentlicht: 
> > > http://ereadcost.eu/stavanger-declaration/
> > > In der FAZ ist dazu heute ein Artikel erschienen: 
> > > https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/themen/stavanger-erklaerung-von-e-read-zur-zukunft-des-lesens-16000793.html
> > >
> Danke für den Hinweis via inetbib!
> Zur info auch an die AKI-list.
> Im kontext noch ein zitat:
> As a medium for the display of information
> , === the printed page is superb. It affords enough resolution to meet
> the eye's demand. It presents enough information to occupy the reader
> for a convenient quantum of time. It offers great flexibility of font
> and format. It lets the reader control the mode and rate of
> inspection. It is small, light, movable, cuttable, clippable,
> pastable, replicable, dis- posable, and inexpensive. Those positive
> attributes all relate, as indicated, to the display function. "
> Licklider, 1965

+ noch was vom ihm via aki-wiki

When people communicate face to face,
they externalize their models so they can be sure they are talking
about the same thing. Even such a simple externalized model as a flow
diagram or an outline — because it can be seen by all the
communicators — serves as a focus for discussion. It changes the
nature of communication: When communicators have no such common
framework, they merely make speeches at each other; but when they have
a manipulable model before them, they utter a few words, point,
sketch, nod, or object. The dynamics of such communication are so
model–centered as to suggest an importance conclusion: Perhaps the
reason present–day two–way telecommunication falls so far short of
face–to–face communication is simply that it fails to provide
facilities for externalizing models.” – J.C.R. Licklider
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