ACI Live Event with Dani Ploeger, 18.06.2021, 8pm CET

Presenting the art project "A Space War Monument" Dani Ploeger will give a presentation on his new work A Space War Monument, a land art performance commissioned by the Kuwait National Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the end of the Persian Gulf War (1990-91). At this online event, organized by Art Claims Impulse, he will share some insights on the background, context and realization of the work in the Kuwaiti desert. The Gulf War has become broadly known as ‘The First Space War’ because of the prominent use of GPS-technology, ‘smart bombs’, stealth aircraft and other advanced technologies by the US military and their allies. However, philosopher Jean Baudrillard has suggested that this understanding of the war as a clean, high-tech affair has been constructed through media representations. Hardly anybody knows what really happened on the battlefield in the Kuwaiti desert, because news reports almost exclusively originated from heavily controlled and redacted press sources embedded with the US military. For this reason, he provocatively stated that ‘the Gulf War has not taken place.’ In this context, A Space War Monument connects the Gulf War’s high-tech dimension to a low-tech aspect of the conflict – the use of bulldozers as assault weapons by the US military – which have remained largely unacknowledged in official narratives. Ploeger commissioned a GPS-controlled bulldozer to erase remaining traces of the war in the Kuwaiti desert. This civilian machine brings together high- and low-tech aspects of the Gulf War, while drawing attention to the cross-contamination of military and civilian technological innovation: After the Gulf War, the bulldozer was the first construction vehicle that was equipped with GPS technology.

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Art Claims Impulse

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