Urban Research 2009:
Call for Artists Exploring Contemporary Urban Space

The relations between the built environment and social communities -
the interaction between electronic networks and public space in
cities - the forced changes of a globalized market on urban
communities and the shape of places - utopian places set in the real
urban grid - "real places, actual places, places that are designed
into the very institution of society, which are sorts of actually
realized utopias in which the real emplacements, all the other real
emplacements that can be found within the culture are, at the same
time presented, contested, reversed, sorts of places that are outside
all places, although they are actually localizable." (Foucault)

These are aspects of new contemporary works by international artists
who make their mark with a challenging vision and a personal voice.

This is an open call for new work of Urban Research.
The program will be first shown at Directors Lounge, Berlin, 5-15
February 2009.
Experimental, documentary, essay, interactive and multi-channel, all welcome.
Please send in preview a DVD of your work.
Deadline Jan. 5, 2009.(postmarked)

Please fill out the submission form (mandatory) at:
And please ship to:
Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Urban Research, Osnabrücker Str. 25. D-10589
Berlin, Germany
kl...@richfilm.de | +49 30 3409 5343

Urban Research 2009 will firstly be presented at the media art
festival Directors Lounge in February 2009. So far, the selections of
Urban Research have been widely shown in venues in St. Petersburg,
London, Poznan, Dordrecht/Rotterdam, Freiburg, Essen and Berlin.


richfilm productions, Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

eMail Adresse:          off...@richfilm.de
Homepage !!!            http://www.kw-eisenlohr.de
Film Produktion:                http://www.richfilm.de

Telefon:                        int.- 49 - (0)30 - 3409 5343 (BERLIN)
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