Hi Dave,

Did you contact the OpenJPA folks about this? Seems like white space should be ignored. And so if not a bug it should at least be a usability feature...


On Mar 2, 2007, at 4:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- <query>SELECT COUNT(c), c.weblogEntry.website.handle, c.weblogEntry.anchor, c.weblogEntry.title - FROM CommentData c WHERE c.weblogEntry.pubTime &lt; ?1 AND c.weblogEntry.pubTime &gt; ?2 - GROUP BY c.weblogEntry.website.handle, c.weblogEntry.anchor, c.weblogEntry.title
-            </query>
+ <query>SELECT COUNT(c), c.weblogEntry.website.handle, c.weblogEntry.anchor, c.weblogEntry.title FROM CommentData c WHERE c.weblogEntry.pubTime &lt; ?1 AND

Craig Russell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://db.apache.org/jdo

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