The worst debate ever 
    Jim VandeHei, John F. Harris 2 hours, 1 minute ago 

  With the country at one of its most interesting — not to mention terrifying — 
moments in a generation, John McCain and Barack Obama met in Nashville for what 
was surely one of the dullest and least satisfying presidential debates in 
  There have been boring debates before, of course. Truth be told, probably 
only a fraction of these encounters, over the 32 years since general election 
debates became a fixture of presidential campaigns, actually delivered on their 
promise of great political drama. And even interesting debates are inevitably 
somewhat stilted affairs, as candidates cleave to their scripts and try to 
avoid blunders. 
  But the Belmont University showdown was something entirely different. Place 
the gravity of the moment next to the blah-blah-blah artifice of the rhetoric 
and overall insubstantiality of the evening, and this is what you get: The 
worst presidential debate ever. 
  The day after leaves behind a puzzle: How the hell did candidates manage to 
be so timid and uninspiring at a time when American troops are in two 
problematic wars, the world financial markets are in scary free fall and the 
Dow has lost 1,400 points since Oct. 1? This is a moment history rarely sees — 
and both men blew it. 
  It was an odd reversal of the usual optics of power. Ordinarily, the national 
stage can take even life-size pols such as Michael Dukakis and imbue them with 
an outsize aura. 
  Tuesday's debate was a look through the wrong end of the telescope: Men with 
fascinating biographies seemed conventional. The promise both men once offered 
of a new, less contrived and more creative brand of politics was a distant 
  An evening this bad is not the result of just an off night by the candidates. 
It can flow only from a confluence of circumstances. 
  Here is our appraisal of the factors behind the most disappointing 
presidential debate ever. 
  The presidential debate commission’s rules are a scandal. 
  It would be hard to cook up a duller way of debating than the one we 
witnessed last night. The commission allowed the cautious handlers of the 
presidential campaigns to negotiate a format designed to limit improvisation, 
intellectual engagement and truth-telling. 
  The rules were so constraining, it raises the question: Why even put a 
moderator in the chair? Tom Brokaw threw up his hands from the outset, 
apologizing for the constraints he was under, which didn’t allow him to press 
on evasive answers or encourage a promising exchange. Too bad he couldn’t have 
just defied the commission altogether. He should have tossed out the script and 
said, "This moment is too important to allow misinformation to go unchallenged 
and serious issues to be ignored."
  It’s not Brokaw’s fault. Or Jim Lehrer’s or Gwen Ifill’s. The problem is the 
commission that has been invested with pseudo-constitutional status to run the 
debates but, in fact, weakly defers to candidates and clings to antiquated 
formats. No serious candidate would skip a debate. So the commission should use 
its leverage to insist that the debates are interesting to voters, rather than 
safe for candidates. Allow moderators to be more aggressive — and to call out 
candidates for lame answers — and then allow the candidates to go at it over 
the issues that matter most without time constraints. 
  The television ratings show voters want to hear from the candidates and are 
willing to sit through 90 minutes of boredom to get a glimpse of the two men in 
one arena. Imagine what would happen if these events were actually exciting and 
  The candidates are stumped. 
When Sarah Palin dodged questions with scripted messages and folksy one-liners 
in her debate against Joe Biden her nonresponsiveness was often glaringly 
  With McCain and Obama, you have to print out the transcript and read 
carefully to fully appreciate how they glided past sharp questions. Because 
both have gone through dozens of such encounters over the past couple of years, 
and because Obama in particular is an exceptionally fluent speaker, their 
answers can sound plausible — even when the fog machine is going full blast. 
     It is hard to imagine a more relevant question for the moment than the 
evening’s first, when an audience member asked for “the fastest, most positive 
solution” to help older people, whose economic standing is most imperiled by 
the crash in home values and markets.   To this specific question, Obama 
offered a generic answer about the perils of excessive deregulation, the need 
for health care and the scandal of junketeering executives at American 
International Group, one of the companies bailed out by the government.   
McCain was at first no more responsive as he called for energy independence and 
low taxes. When he pivoted to a specific answer, it was with a breathtakingly 
ambitious idea to “order the secretary of the Treasury to immediately buy up 
the bad home loan mortgages in America” and renegotiate the terms so that 
people have to move. But the actual details of this unprecedented intervention 
— the cost, logistics and philosophical rationale for protecting people
 from unwise purchases — were murky. And, amazingly, neither McCain nor Obama, 
nor Brokaw, returned to the subject.   The obvious conclusion is that everyone 
was winging it, hoping to get out of the evening alive even though (like most 
Americans) they are baffled about both the causes of and the cures for this 
fast-moving crisis. 
The fog was not confined to the financial crisis. It also covered the debate 
over Iraq, which was almost entirely backward-looking.   There was no 
independent on the stage.   Where is this election’s Ross Perot? In 1992 (and 
much less so in 1996), the eccentric billionaire’s presence at the debates 
helped give the proceedings a kind of cracker barrel candor.   An independent 
on the stage helps highlight — and, with luck — temper the major-party 
nominees’ usual instinct to pander or avoid telling hard truths about 
themselves.   Brokaw provided the candidates a clear opportunity when he asked 
about consumers getting drunk on easy credit.   But neither candidate took him 
up on the invitation. Obama’s message was about the need for more regulation to 
protect investors and McCain gave a paean to the inherent greatness of 
But one big reason for the crisis is that ordinary Americans bought cars, 
houses and other things they simply could not afford. They entered into 
mortgages they knew could be too good to be true: no money down, low payments 
for the first few years.   It is hard to imagine any outcome that does not 
involve significant sacrifice and more economic self-discipline for ordinary 
Americans. An independent candidate would have increased the likeliness that 
someone would have thrown the flag on these evasions.   Self-importance.    
Both Obama and McCain were once cult-of-personality candidates, running on 
their inspirational personal biographies and reformist profiles more than on 
their policy records.   At least in this format, unfortunately, neither of them 
had especially appealing personalities. The combination of the two, as at the 
first debate in Mississippi, gave the evening a tense mood that contributed to 
the feeling of time hanging heavy.   McCain’s contribution to the
 peevish tone was more obvious, as when he referred to Obama as “that one.”   
Obama was, as ever, cooler and more poised. As the younger man — trying to make 
history as the first African-American president — he surely feels a special 
imperative to convey calm and reassurance.   He does it so well, however, that 
he did not do much to convey what he is passionate about. Neither man showed 
much humor. Self-deprecation seems not to come naturally to either one. The 
I-love-me quotient has rarely been higher in one of these debates.   It was a 
stark contrast to the personality and even warmth that both Biden and Palin 
showed at last week’s St. Louis encounter.   Obama and McCain both are men with 
large life stories, asking to lead the country at a large moment. With one more 
debate to go, could someone turn the telescope around? 

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