RDGC isn't an official Rose project, so I'm not sure that this list is the best
place for mail. There is contact info listed in the RDGC module -- best to use 

That said...

Bob McClure wrote on 1/7/08 5:54 PM:
> It seems that with the latest Rose::DBx::Garden::Catalyst (v0.07), the
> produced app no longer works.  When I go to
> http://localhost:3000/rdgc, and select Lab->Coupon->List, which
> interestingly, takes me to here:
> http://localhost:3000/rdgc/lab/coupon/1/edit

that doesn't seem right.

> it coughs up an error, to wit:
> Couldn't render template "undef error - encountered object 'true', but
> neither allow_blessed nor convert_blessed settings are enabled at
> /home/bmcclure/foobar7/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/View/RDGC.pm line 38
> "
> Here is the subject code:
>      36 sub as_json {
>      37     my $v = shift;
>      38     my $j = JSON::encode_json($v);
>      39     return $j;
>      40 }

Are you using the latest JSON 2.x ? The JSON API changed recently and RDGC
changed with it, but I encountered some snafus with JSON and JSON::XS (the
latter was what RDGC previously required).

> This is a Red Hat ES4 machine with Perl v5.8.5 (up2date-d), with a
> MySQL (v4.1.20) database.  The previous version (v0.06, I think; may
> have been v0.05) worked.
> Also of note, it doesn't pick up all the tables in the database.
> Neither does Rose::DBx::Garden v0.09.  

The find_schemas feature changed in a recent version in order to support SQLite;
I wonder if it broke mysql. I'll try and put a test together.

Peter Karman  .  http://peknet.com/  .  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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