On 1/10/08 8:19 AM, James Masters wrote:
> Have a bit of trouble with a Manager query. Trying to keep it short and
> sweet, I am searching a table "orders" which has a onetoone relationship
> called destaddress.  The first 3 queries here work:
> push @query, ('custlastname' => {like => '%smith%'});
> push @query, ('destaddress.primecontact' => {like => '%smith%'});
> push @query, (or => ['custlastname' => {like => '%smith%'}]);
> but when the subtable query is put in the "OR" array viz:
> push @query, ('or' => ['destaddress.primecontact' => {like => '%smith%'}]);
> it fails with:
> Invalid query parameter: destaddress.primecontact at oprosemgord.pl line 991
>  at C:/Perl/site/lib/Rose/DB/Object/QueryBuilder.pm line 132

Are you sure that "destaddress" appears in the with_objects or
require_objects lists?

One more thing: remember that "or" and "and" are prefix operators:

    or  => [ A, B, C ]  ->  (A OR B OR C)
    and => [ A, B, C ]  ->  (A AND B AND C)

So including just one thing in the "or" list doesn't really do anything:

    or => [ 'destaddress.primecontact' => { like => '%smith%' } ]

is just:

    or => [ A ]

which becomes:


which is the same thing as not including the "or" at all and just adding
this directly to the query:

    'destaddress.primecontact' => { like => '%smith%' }


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