I think you're looking for this:


The message pertains to the JOIN's being created.  You won't get
duplicate rows, but you'll get duplicate data within the related rows.
If you're okay with it, set multi_many_ok:

The tutorial gives an example using "real" data:

Basically, RDBO is issuing a disclaimer saying - "this SQL may be
inefficient and slaughter my database with load, but I know what I'm
doing and want to do it anyways" ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of James Masters
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:39 AM
> To: Rose::DB::Object list (E-mail)
> Subject: [RDBO] redundant rows from queries with multiple one 
> to manyrelationships
> Dear Rosers,
> I have never fully understood the implications of this message:
> WARNING: Fetching sub-objects via more than one "one to many" 
> relationship
> in a single query may produce many redundant rows, and the 
> query may be slow
> I have avoided doing such queries until now but now I have 
> reached that
> point.  I'm not fussed about the "slow" part of this - it's 
> the redundant
> rows I want to avoid - doesn't this amount to an "incorrect result"?
> I've looked through the documentation and the discussions but 
> cannot find
> anything comprehensively explaining the implications.  I'm 
> sure I won't be
> the only person who would appreciate a short piece with:
> The theory
> A tiny example showing what can happen.
> An explanation of when redundant rows do happen and 
> conversely when it's OK
> to not worry (and use the multi_ok switch)
> A way to use multiple one-to-many relationships without getting the
> redundant rows.
> I don't want to waste anyone's time and possibly a piece outside Rose
> documentation exists.  Is there anything out there that will assist?
> thanks,
> James.
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