On Wednesday 02 August 2006 5:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> * Finish up the first basic feature in the new-style tempo ruler -- you can
>   now click-drag to increase or decrease a given tempo change

The dragging thing is very nice!

I don't remember what you have planned, or what's in scope for 1.3, but I find 
myself thinking

1) I'd like to be able to right click, pick from a menu, and insert a tempo 
right on the ruler, without bothering with the clunky dialog.

I'm currently having trouble getting the clunky dialog to come up such that a 
newly added tempo wants to go anywhere other than where the existing tempo 
already is.  I tried positioning the playback pointer and double clicking, I 
tried opening a notation view, positioning the insertion cursor and double 
clicking, and it always wanted to go at 1:1:0, where the first tempo I 
inserted was.  (I'm not working from the new autoload, if that matters.)

I have 10 instances of this dialog open.  Is there some way we can just re-use 
one that's already there if it exists?

There's a drawing problem.  I opened the notation view, and the tempo and 
color got drawn somewhere way off too far to the right, by about 2.5 
measures.  The empty space has some random memory data, a bit of the 
parameters dock widget, and a bit of plain gray with a line through it that 
looks like some ruler bit drawing out of bounds, then the tempo and color 
come up to the right of this.  Triggering a repaint seems to cure this.  I 
switched desktops to come over here to KMail, and then went to refer back to 
it, and the problem had vanished.  I closed the view, and opened another, and 
it recurred.

2) I'd like to be able to drag these things from side to side too.

Anyway, good stuff.  Did we ever rename "loops" to "ranges" in the interface?  
Are we going to?  That's something else really useful we really need to get 
word out about somehow, along with several other things, but I can guarantee 
I don't have time for documentation before the deadline with all the bugs I 
have outstanding at the moment.

I'm in a bit of a hurry, so these observations are just off the cuff.

I'm off to go practice, and then hit the road.

D. Michael 'Silvan' McIntyre  ----   Silvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/

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