I have followed this thread with some interest, especially the parts about how
clearinghouses and service bureaus have "special" requirements.

One word: Folderol.

Call me old-fashioned, but it seems to me that if one is going to operate a
"service" then one offers services; and the more service, the greater the price.

For example...

Service "A" may allow a provider to submit ALL claims,  no sorting, no bundling,
no nothing. The service bureau then would consolidate claims for like payers,
envelope and submit to the payer(s).

Service "B" on the other hand, may insist the customer (provider) batch up
claims by payer; the service then envelopes and sends the batches to the various

I would think service "B" would cost less than service "A."  But as the
customer, I can pick the service for which I am willing to pay.

Regardless, I cannot see any case in which "special handling of standard
addressing because a service bureau is involved" enters the equation at either
the payer or the provider end: seems to me this is what the service bureau is
paid to do. Same on documents from payer (though service bureau) to provider:
the service should handle any breakdown/distribution.

As a sender (payer or provider) I want to know two things:

1. What is the recipient's EDI Address?  (presumptively the ISA segment
2. What is the recipient's application identifier (GS)?

Mr. Payer, Ms. Provider, your EDI address is a service bureau? Fine, as long as
it's transparent to me and your other partners.

BIAS ALERT: I expect service bureaus and clearinghouses will be my competition,
so I am not likely sympathetic to any "special needs" claimed by these entities.

Michael Mattias
Tal Systems, Inc.
Racine WI

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