On Jun 4, 2007, at 12:57 PM, Jason Corley wrote:

How about using the packages in the "inner circle of dependency hell" as
a starting reference implementation? That basically means that the
package set
is enough to get /bin/sh functional in a chroot and nothing more.

This is exactly what I was thinking, everything up to a shell with
perhaps one daemon (like ssh) to serve as an example for any more
complicated packaging features (although just to /bin/sh is a clearer
delineation and perhaps less political goal).

A reference install that includes ssh is actually needed for glibc scriptlets in lua, because restarting currently running sshd is exactly what the current static helper in glibc does (in case there are incompatible nss libraries just installed).

However, adding sshd likely doubles the "minimal" set. Perfectly fine,
just more packaging work.

There's another "minimal" set goal, everything necessary for rpm functioning, ~54 packages, that likely has large overlap with the additional packages needed
by sshd, that might be considered.

And cAos core is everything necessary for gcc to function, ~137 packages (from
memory, I've forgot).

Note that there are addition complexitioes with ssh's grotty ABI problems and libgcc that start becoming a more complex "reference install" that are perhaps
better dealt with by example repackaging distro by distro.

No matter what, small and simple and predictable and as easy to maintain a package
set in "minimal" is what I'd like to see.

73 de Jeff

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