On Friday, 08 June 2007, at 18:09:07 (-0400),
Jeff Johnson wrote:

> Direct access to an rpmdb requires locking, and shared read locks
> are a DoS for exclusive write locks, and vice versa, no matter what.
> So custom automagic exports avoid the locking issues associated with
> direct access to an rpmdb. Note that other locking issues are
> possibly introduced because the export/update may have issues with
> whatever some application desires, but at least the locking is finer
> grained, with less contention, than having every application
> competing for rpmdb access.

Which would also be true for the daemon.  Obviously it wouldn't be
able to have permanent locks on the DB, but something with
fam/imon/poll to watch for rpmdb changes, lock, update, unlock...would
that be reasonable?

>  So what's nutty about using del.icio.us instead of rpmfind.net?

I'm all for using tags as a replacement for Group: which went up a
creek the moment other distros stopped giving two hoots about

Are you also advocating using del.icio.us as an rpm search engine?
I'm not sure how that would be better than updating rpmfind.net to use
tags, as it is a niche engine where del.icio.us (which I'm *really*
starting to hate typing, BTW :P) is all-purpose.

A delicious search on "rpm" revealed that rpm is related to "music."
Neato. :-)


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc., http://www.nplus1.net/       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "I will be there for you, with these five words I swear to you.
  When you breathe, I want to be the air for you.  I'll be there for
  you.  I'd live and I'd die for you, steal the sun from the sky for
  you.  Words can't say what a love can do.  I'll be there for you."
                                                           -- Bon Jovi
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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