On Aug 11, 2007, at 5:45 PM, Robert Scheck wrote:

Evening folks,

it looks like that 4.5-0.5 is a bit broken regarding the use of -- force:

Not broken, but not functional either. This fixes, so does using -- replacepkgs instead of --force

--- rpmpopt.in  10 Jun 2007 23:09:05 -0000
+++ rpmpopt.in  12 Aug 2007 08:02:08 -0000
@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@ rpm alias --buildpolicy --define '__os_i
        --POPTdesc=$"set buildroot <policy> (e.g. compress man pages)" \

+# Short-hand option
+rpm alias --force --replacepkgs --replacefiles --oldpackage \
+ --POPTdesc=$"force operation (short hand for --replacepkgs -- replacefiles --oldpackage on installation)"
 # Choose db interface:
 #      0       same as 1
 #      1       native db1 interface (e.g. linux glibc libdb1 routines).

# rpm -Uvh rpm-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm rpm-build-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm \
          rpm-devel-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm rpm-libs-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm
rpm-perl-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm rpm-python-4.5-0.5.i386.rpm -- force Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
       package rpm-libs-4.5-0.5 is already installed
       package rpm-4.5-0.5 is already installed
       package rpm-build-4.5-0.5 is already installed
       package rpm-devel-4.5-0.5 is already installed
       package rpm-perl-4.5-0.5 is already installed
       package rpm-python-4.5-0.5 is already installed

# rpm -q rpm

The use of --oldpackage seems to be ignored in this case, too. Can we get
rid of this problem soon, please?

I'm not sure what "ignored" means. Ignored when or how? There's only like
one place where the option value is tested.

73 de Jeff
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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