Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

    - proyvind: add support for xz for all tools shipped with rpm.
- proyvind: lzdio: add support for xz format. (removes liblzma 4.999.3 support)

Where can this new "xz" stuff be found on the net?
Google shows me just a few mail postings but where is the homepage of "xz"?

The "LZMA_Alone" format, as known from LZMA SDK, is now "lzma" (.lzma)
The new "LZMA-with-magic" format, from LZMA Utils, is now "xz" (.xz)

So it can still be found under LZMA Utils, at http://tukaani.org/lzma/
Before, there were two different formats with the same suffix/mime-type.


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