On Mar 3, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

2009/3/3 Anders F Björklund <a...@rpm5.org>
Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

I did the other day a fresh mandriva cooker install and noticed with rpm 4.6.0 a welcomed change, the automatic creation and use of a local ~/rpmbuild for user rather than /usr/src/rpm.

Since this makes it easier to just get a working rpm build environment for user and also removes the implicit encouragement of packaging using /usr/src/rpm as root, would anyone have anything against introducing same behaviour as rpm.org in rpm5.org HEAD?

You can set that with the --with-path-sources configure option, if
scared of ~/.rpmmacros. I believe rpm.org uses "%{getenv:HOME}/ rpmbuild" Yes, but what I also would like is the automatic creation of these directories as well.

Everything except the automatic/lazy creation of %{_topdir} has existed in RPM for years IIRC. I certainly use some variant of the lazy creation daily
while building packages in

There's also the --with-path-buildroot option, if you also want to
change "%{_tmppath}" for "%{_topdir}/BUILDROOT" like rpm.org does now.

Not sure that the default configuration matters all that much, as
just with the rpm.spec it's bound to be changed by vendors anyway ?
Yes, to some degree, but if you provide a default for local users, the default will more likely be adopted and I can't see any reason why anyone would feel
very strongly about changing such a default.
Having this as a default which user can expect to find ~regardless of vendor seems like a convenient way to make life easier for users and for anyone helping out users..

There's serious flaws in the logic above. Sure, lusers are sheep likely
to do whatever is suggested as "default". But that doesn't mean one
should just go around herding the sheep into other pastures for no
useful purpose.

If you like the @rpm.org model, by all means, use it. But recommending
that as "default" to everone is just pointless imho.

73 de Jeff

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