Extreme or not, RPM is expected to deal with missing values (not only 
optional/missing epoch) sanely and intuitively, you aren't the first to 

Fix the issue and *SOLVE* the engineering problem(s) instead of

1) claiming that "epoch promotion" doesn't "work" with clear history to the 
2) pointing out that distributions are not maintaining upgradeability by 
changing epochs across major releases
3) suggesting new fangled special case ornamentation like '*' that does 
whatever you want the comparison to do
4) begging the question by ignoring other similar problems with missing values 
in EVR

all of which has been attempted/suggested in this thread.

For the specific case I gave, with all values missing, one could certainly 
demand that at least one of EVR be present while parsing a dependency.

Any comparison system that permis missing values MUST supply 
sane/natural/intuitive defaults for missing values, or attempt explicit data 
validation checks to prevent illformed/invalid/indeterminate/unexpected results 
when comparing.

Or we will be discussing the mysterious epoch behaviors for another decade or 

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