On Apr 11, 2016, at 1:25 PM, Rajul Bhavsar wrote:

> Hi,
> We are trying to use rpm 5.1.9 on powerPC architecture. But, we see that 
> there are issues with basic querying:

Hmm why rpm-5.1.9, which was released quite some time ago?

> $ rpm -qai
> rpm: -qai: unknown option
> $

Try a simpler query first: does rpm -qa "work"?

The -i option is contextually dependent with multiple meanings in rpm
and the processing is painfully complex. Identifying what does and does not
work will be helpful in finding a fix.

> When we try to query custom metadata (implemented using arbitrary tags) then 
> also it is failing (giving output as (none)). We have proper macro file in 
> /usr/lib/rpm-5.1.9/macros and rpm is referring to it.

(from memory of a recent patch from Poky/Yocto)

The arbitrary tag values are likely in native endian.
Did you build and query both on the same machine, or are you
trying to query a package built on x86_64 on a ppc* machine?

> $ rpm --showrc | grep macros
> macrofiles            : 
> /usr/lib/rpm-5.1.9/macros:/usr/lib/rpm-5.1.9/ppc-linux/macros:/etc/rpm/5.1.9/macros.*:/etc/rpm/5.1.9/macros:/etc/rpm/5.1.9/ppc-linux/macros:~/.rpmmacros-5.1.9
> $
> We see that on x86_64 these things work fine. We do not see anything specific 
> to architecture in the build of rpm, but only difference is that - host's 
> arch is x86_64.
> Can anybody tell what is peculiar about rpm on powerPC arch?


73 de Jeff
> Thanks,
> Rajul

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