Support Requests item #2903284, was opened at 2009-11-24 11:51
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by chrisimaxwell
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Category: Install Problem (example)
Group: rpy2-2.0.x
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Christopher Maxwell (chrisimaxwell)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: rpy2 not installing in OS X 10.6.2

Initial Comment:
I'm getting the following error when trying to install rpy2 on my Mac.  

$ python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 153, in <module>
    ri_ext = getRinterface_ext(RHOME, r_packversion)
  File "", line 139, in getRinterface_ext
    get_rconfig(RHOME, 'BLAS_LIBS'),
  File "", line 85, in get_rconfig
    raise Exception(cmd + '\nreturned\n' + rconfig)
Exception: "/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config BLAS_LIBS

This happens whether I use easy_install or the command-line install.

I'm trying to install the latest rpy2 (rpy2-2.0.8).
I'm using Python 2.5.4 |EPD 5.1.1| (r254:67916, Jul 20 2009, 15:41:21), 
though the problem also occurs when I use Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov  6 
2009, 10:44:01)  [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin.

I have tried to do my homework and solve this myself, but have had no luck.
A similar problem has been addressed here:
but that involved Fink (which I'm not using) and the problem was apparently 
since fixed.

Any help would be much appreciated - I dearly miss this package.  
   (it used to work, before I started over from scratch with Snow Leopard a few 
months ago)


>Comment By: Christopher Maxwell (chrisimaxwell)
Date: 2009-11-25 16:18

I uninstalled MacPorts completely and it still failed, because python was
pointing at Python 2.5.4 -- EPD 5.1.1.

The following command worked:
$ sudo python2.6 install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
running install_lib
running install_data
copying doc/source/rpy2_logo.png ->
running install_egg_info
Writing /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/rpy2-2.0.8-py2.6.egg-info

I'll get rid of EPD (Enthought Python Distribution) and leave MacPorts
dead - rpy2 is more important currently.  Thanks so much for your help.


Comment By: lgautier (lgautier)
Date: 2009-11-25 15:05


I'd suggest you try one of the following:

a- desinstall macports R and install the R binary from CRAN, then install
rpy2 again
(note: the CRAN binary should be at /usr/bin/R)

b- download rpy2 from macports (since they package rpy2)


Comment By: Christopher Maxwell (chrisimaxwell)
Date: 2009-11-25 14:16

Well, changing to R 2.10.0 (installed by MacPorts) did not fix the
I confirmed that "/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" points to 2.10.0
"/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config BLAS_LIBS
still returns nothing


Comment By: Christopher Maxwell (chrisimaxwell)
Date: 2009-11-25 14:11

I have R installed from MacPorts
(that was version 2.9.2, currently upgrading to 2.10.0 but not done yet)

I also have R 2.10.0 installed from CRAN binary:   (or more specifically

2.10.0 is what runs from the GUI.  2.9.2 runs from the command line.

I downloaded 2.10.0 and tried to ./configure and make it myself, but it it
crashes in ./configure here:
checking for dummy main to link with Fortran 77 libraries... rm:
conftest.dSYM: is a directory
checking for Fortran 77 name-mangling scheme... rm: conftest.dSYM: is a
configure: WARNING: unknown Fortran name-mangling scheme
checking whether gfortran appends underscores to external names...
configure: error: cannot use Fortran



Comment By: lgautier (lgautier)
Date: 2009-11-25 13:29

Where is your R coming from ?
Did you compile it yourself or installed pre-built binaries (and if yes,
from where) ?


Comment By: Christopher Maxwell (chrisimaxwell)
Date: 2009-11-25 13:23

Thank you (thank you!) for helping - it would help me very greatly to have
this working again.
I agree that R is not returning information regarding it's BLAS_LIBS
config, although I cannot figure out why.  I tried some associated queries
below - hopefully it will help.

R is version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)

$ "/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config BLAS_LIBS

$ "/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config LAPACK_LIBS
-L/opt/local/lib/R/lib -lRlapack
$ "/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config LDFLAGS

Is there a way I can set the BLAS_LIBS in R?  I looked and looked, but was
unsuccessful - not surprising in the setting of my lack of understanding...


Comment By: lgautier (lgautier)
Date: 2009-11-25 13:07

The problem occurs when the setup script tries to obtain informations from
(the exception says that a call to R CMD config returned an empty string)

Can you open a terminal and investigate why the following does not return
anything ?

"/opt/local/lib/R/bin/R" CMD config BLAS_LIBS


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