On 2013-03-14 23:20, David Haynes wrote:

I have a general question about writing outputs to a file.
Specifically I am using the lme function in R to generate a model. The print r.summary(model) function works fine. However, I would like to capture that in a text file.

Right now the error I receive is this.
ValueError: Buffer for this type not yet supported.

The full traceback would be helpful (it would tell where the error is originating from).

I have tried the sink function in R as well. It opens a file, but it does not close it and nothing is being written in it.

This is most probably an issue with R (and how sink() is called), not rpy2.

Otherwise, the function summary() is returning an R object of class 'table'. When printing it from rpy2, Python is calling str() on the objects. You can just write this in a file from Python:

s = robjects.r('summary(attenu, digits = 4)')
with open("/tmp/foo.txt", "w") as f:


d = {'groups': robjects.IntVector(groups), 'weight': robjects.FloatVector(weight), 'y': robjects.FloatVector(y)}
dataf = robjects.DataFrame(d)

##bayes.lme(Formula("y ~1"), random = Formula('~1'))
rs = bayes.lme(Formula("y ~1"), random = Formula('~1 | groups'),weights = Formula("~1/weight"))

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