I'm using rpy2 to access quantmod functions like this:

>>> from rpy2.robjects import r
>>> r('library(quantmod)')
>>> r('getSymbols("GOOG")')
>>> g = r('quarterlyReturn(GOOG)')

When I print g, I see it has the dates in the leftmost column:

>>> print g
2007-03-30      -0.016824034
2007-06-29       0.140867819
2007-09-28       0.085268797
2007-12-31       0.218960989
2008-03-31      -0.363003991
2008-06-30       0.195132472
2008-09-30      -0.239162646
2008-12-31      -0.231873564
2009-03-31       0.131350561
2009-06-30       0.211256680
2009-09-30       0.176142698
2009-12-31       0.250337804
2010-03-31      -0.085260815
2010-06-30      -0.215421780
2010-09-30       0.181683335
2010-12-31       0.129671542
2011-03-31      -0.012138660
2011-06-30      -0.136989570
2011-09-30       0.017101781
2011-12-30       0.254077353
2012-03-30      -0.007214739
2012-06-29      -0.095393300
2012-09-28       0.300705087
2012-12-31      -0.062451955
2013-03-28       0.122720461
2013-06-28       0.108513076
2013-08-02       0.029760214

but when I try to access those dates using native python or R matrix access
methods, the date data is missing:

>>> g.rx(1, True)
<Matrix - Python:0x3e237a0 / R:0x483b278>
>>> g[0]
>>> g[1]
>>> g.rx(1, True)
<Matrix - Python:0x3e237a0 / R:0x483b278>

I also tried explicitly converting g (which *seems* to be a R matrix object
already) to an R matrix object like this:

>>> import rpy2.robjects as ro
>>> m = ro.r.matrix(g)

but that stripped out the left column completely:

>>> print m
 [1,] -0.016824034
 [2,]  0.140867819
 [3,]  0.085268797
 [4,]  0.218960989
 [5,] -0.363003991
 [6,]  0.195132472
 [7,] -0.239162646
 [8,] -0.231873564
 [9,]  0.131350561
[10,]  0.211256680
[11,]  0.176142698
[12,]  0.250337804
[13,] -0.085260815
[14,] -0.215421780
[15,]  0.181683335
[16,]  0.129671542
[17,] -0.012138660
[18,] -0.136989570
[19,]  0.017101781
[20,]  0.254077353
[21,] -0.007214739
[22,] -0.095393300
[23,]  0.300705087
[24,] -0.062451955
[25,]  0.122720461
[26,]  0.108513076
[27,]  0.029760214

While I can print g to a file object to preserve all the data:

>>> f=open('/tmp/goog.dat', 'w'); print >>f, g; f.close()

Then read it back in and split on two columns to get back a simulation of
the original matrix:

>>> f=open('/tmp/goog.dat', 'r'); goog_matrix = map(lambda x: x.split(),
f.read().splitlines()); f.close()

That seems like a huge kludge, considering g has the data somewhere...

Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
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