
Rpy2-2.7.0, the first release in the 2.7.x is available on Pypi.

Beside bug fixes (thanks to all submitters of issues, or pull requests),
the notable changes are:

- the introduction of local converters. It is now possible to customize the
conversion between R/rpy2 objects and other Python objects while
restricting its action to a code block.

- an interface to dplyr in addition to the existing interface to ggplot2.

The changelog is copied below.



Release 2.7.0

New features

- New exception :class:`rpy2.rinterface.RParsingError`. Errors
  occurring when parsing R code through :func:`rpy2.rinterface.parse`
  raise this exception (previously :class:`rpy2.rinterface.RRuntimeError`).

- New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.conversion.Converter` to replace
  the `namedtuple` of the same name

- New class :class:`rpy2.robjects.converter.ConversionContext`. This is
  a context manager allowing an easy setting of local conversion rules.
  The constructor has an alias called

- New module :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.dplyr` providing a custom
  wrapper for the R library `dplyr`

- Method :method:`Environment.items()` to iterate through the symbols
  and associated objects in an R environment.

- Exception :class:`rpy2.rinterface.ParsingIncompleError`, a child class of
  :class:`rpy2.rinterface.ParsingError`, raised when
  calling :meth:`rpy2.rinteface.parse` results in R's C-level status
  to be `PARSE_INCOMPLETE`. This can make the Python implementation of an
  IDE for R easier.

- Attribute :attr:`slots` for :mod:`rpy2.robjects`-level objects. The
  attribute is a :class:`rpy2.robjects.Rslots` which
  behaves like a Python mapping to provide access to R-attributes
  for the object (see issue #275).

- The R "magic" for ipython `%%R` can be passed a local converter
  (see new features above) by using `-c`.

Bugs fixed

- Conversion rules were not applied when parsing and evaluating string
  as R with :class:`rpy2.robjects.R`.

- Calling the constructor for :class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.FactorVector`
  with an R factor is no longer making a copy, loosing the associated
  R attributes if any (fixes issue #299).

- `rpy2` could crash when R was unable to dynamically load the C extension
  one of its packages (noticed with issue #303).


- :func:`rpy2.rinterface.is_initialized` is now a function.

- :meth:`rpy2.robjects.R.__call__` is now calling R's `base::parse()`
  to parse the string rather the parser through R's C-API. The workaround
  let's us retrieve R's error message in case of failure (see issue #300)
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