On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 5:30 AM, Ashley Moran
> Hi all
> Just ran a session known as a "huddle" in GeekUp terms.  GeekUp[1] is a
> group of monthly events in North West England.  The Sheffield one starts
> with a huddle every month, which is intended to have more audience
> participation than a pure talk.  For this one, I got an unsuspecting
> audience (of developers, designers, business analysts, project managers, and
> itinerant alcoholics stumbling past our end of the bar) writing user stories
> and fighting^H^H^H^H^H discussing in a civilised manner which was most
> important.
> Second half was a tech demo, and they all loved Cucumber.  So hats off to
> everyone involved in RSpec Stories and to Aslak for its recent
> re-incarnation, it had a room full of geeks going "I want that for my PHP
> code!".
> Slides are on my blog[2] for anyone that wants a flick through, or to find
> out more about what went on.

Thanks a lot for sharing Ashley.

This is a really good introduction to BDD. Short enough to be
graspable for people who are new to it - long enough to be really
valuable. I can imagine you had a good time! I really like that you
started off by talking about business value (So that). The two
sentences about acceptance criteria (verifiable by humans and discrete
for machines) really nail down what BDD acceptance criteria are about.

I'm ccing the Celerity crew - they also live here in Oslo.

BTW - if you are developing an open source conference organising tool,
please let me know. I've written two that suck (one in Rails, one as a
Radiant extension) and I want something good for the next conference I


> Ashley
> [1] http://geekup.org/
> [2]
> http://aviewfromafar.net/2008/10/2/geekup-sheffield-vi-from-specification-to-success
> --
> http://www.patchspace.co.uk/
> http://aviewfromafar.net/
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