On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 6:40 PM, wei wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of my examples now is like below
> ###  1001.feature
> Feature: 1001
>   1001 is the internal id for QAs to identify case
>   Scenario: 1001
>     Given the title is "function1_1001"
>     .....
> ### function1.steps
> Given /the title is "(.*)"/ do |title|
>   @title = title
> end
> Actually the title is generated by the rule "function1_#{scenario_name}". So
> ideally it could be written in this way
> ###  1001.feature
> Feature: 1001
>   1001 is the internal id for QAs to identify case
>   Scenario: 1001
>     Given the generated title
>     .....
> ### function1.steps
> Given /the generated title/ do
>   @title = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" #though the variable @scenario_name
> isn't available
> end

Please try to exclude irrelevant information when asking a question.
Everything you said above doesn't make your question any clearer.

> So my question is: is it possible to get the name of the scenario/feature in
> the step block?

It's not, but you can register a feature request.

Take a look at http://rspec.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16211-cucumber/tickets/44

It sounds like what you're asking for is related.


> ps: sorry, last message was sent by mistake.
> --
> Wei Wei
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