On 20.10.2008, at 22.05, Ashley Moran wrote:
There is an API for this though[2], and it was deprecated as of RC1, but has now apparently been reintroduced.

Lawrence Pit on the merb list explains the syntax:
    # ==== Example
    #   dispatch_to(MyController, :create, :name => 'Homer' ) do
    #     controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(@user)
    #   end

Yeah, I was using that API to a great extent with a recent project and was pretty successful at doing outside-in development with rspec and merb. The syntax used in merb controller specs is a bit different from what Rails uses, but once you got around it, it was actually pretty cool and flexible. Here's a snippet from a controller spec in the project:


Note that I generally stub both render and display for the controller to make the tests run faster.

There's probably a lot of optimization left to do with the specs but I find the dispatch helpers pretty cool for building more specialized methods such as do_post.

I hope the merb folks will keep us outside-(s)inners in mind and not scrap the API.


Jarkko Laine

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