I am taking over a code base and am trying to run the tests. I am
somewhat new to RSpec so this might be a trivial problem.

Basically I can tell that the fixtures are not getting loaded. All 100
tests fail with a similar error.

But I don't know why.  Below is the code, with my narrative with ***
before it... Can you see anything or give me a clue where to look. So
far I am coming up empty...


Pito Salas

**** In spec_helper.rb, which I know is running, I see:

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  config.global_fixtures = :all

**** One of the tests in spec/controllers/downloads_controller_spec.rb
is below. I know it is running and I know that before the 'describe',
Partner.count == 0, so no fixture.

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')

describe DownloadsController do

  describe "when PDF is ready" do
    before(:each) do
      @registrant = Factory.create(:step_5_registrant)
      stub(@registrant).merge_pdf { `touch #{@registrant.pdf_file_path}`

    it "provides a link to download the PDF" do
      get :show, :registrant_id => @registrant.to_param
      assert_not_nil assigns[:registrant]
      assert_response :success
      assert_template "show"
      assert_select "span.button a[target=_blank]"
      assert_select "span.button a[onclick]"

    after(:each) do
      `rm #{@registrant.pdf_file_path}`

**** And here is what in various directories:

spec/fixtures/partners.yml - which contains 2 yaml records:

  id: 1
  username: rtv
  email: ro...@example.com
  password_salt: "Y4PPzYx2ert3vC0OhEMo"
  name: Rocky
  organization: Rock The Vote
  url: http://rockthevote.com
  address: 123 Wherever
  city: Washington
  state_id: 9
  zip_code: 20001
  phone: 555-555-1234
  survey_question_1_en: "What school did you go to?"
  survey_question_2_en: "What is your favorite musical group?"
  created_at: <%= Time.now %>
  updated_at: <%= Time.now %>
# TODO: remove partner 2 in production
  id: 2
  username: bull_winkle
  email: bull_win...@example.com
  password_salt: "Y4PPzYx2ert3vC0OhEMo"
  name: Bullwinkle
  organization: Bullwinkle, Inc.
  url: http://example.com
  address: 123 Wherever
  city: Washington
  state_id: 9
  zip_code: 20001
  phone: 555-555-1234
  survey_question_1_en: "What school did you go to?"
  survey_question_2_en: "What is your favorite musical group?"
  created_at: <%= Time.now %>
  updated_at: <%= Time.now %>

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