Hi all

I just ran these tests on my network and came up with these results.
I found it interesting and thought I would share.

In all test the same 2.5 Gig logfile was used for transfer
(2719312019 Nov 12 11:42 maillog.back)
(2.5G Nov 12 11:42 maillog.back)
The transfer was done over two Gigabit nic's one onboard broadcom on IBM X440 server, Other Intel on standard selfbuilt dual P3 880 machine.
Both servers are running Red-Hat Linux
Coping from dual P3 800 3Gig ram Seagate Cheetha 10 000 rpm disk
to dual P4 Xean mp 6Gig ram 6xdisks in raid5e

Anybody wish to comment on this?
Any ideas to make it even faster?
I have to

[root@ais-mail01 log]# time rsync -azSHve ssh maillog.back [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/spool/mail/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
building file list ... done
wrote 357110468 bytes read 36 bytes 308252.49 bytes/sec
total size is 2719312019 speedup is 7.61

real 19m18.030s
user 8m26.610s
sys 0m53.120s


[root@ais-mail01 log]# time rsync -pogve ssh maillog.back [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/spool/mail/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
wrote 2719644062 bytes read 36 bytes 5136249.48 bytes/sec
total size is 2719312019 speedup is 1.00

real 8m48.741s
user 3m57.180s
sys 1m29.550s
( ) Ascii ribbon campaign against html email
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