Assuming you have sshd up and running on the remote box, and a user named "backup" which can log in interactively, you could do something like the following:

rsync -av --rsh="/usr/bin/ssh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/stuff

Note that many *nix distributions / ssh installations (quite properly) do not allow direct remote root login over ssh.


Hi Jim,
Thanks for your reply.
Read the man rsync...even printed it....but well it looks a lot like shorthand to me. Kindly some pointers if other howto or whatever excist. I did research as best I could..but....maybe ....i don't have enough between the ears??

Rsync over ssh...will only once in a while when changes done on gateway.

Kindly an example as per my situation. When in plain english I usually get along.......even improve once in a while.........but the choice is yours.

On Wednesday 03 March 2004 19:51, Jim Salter wrote:

There are many different ways to accomplish this.  Are you wanting to
use rsync in daemon mode, or rsync over an ssh transport?

I hate to deliver the stock answer, but it sounds like you need to RTFM
a bit and then try us back if you still can't get it to work.



Have one workstation
Have one gateway for access to internet
Connection between them by crossover cable.
Only this 2 boxes.
Want to copy the gateway /home/ directory to the workstation on
Both sides of copy is on ext3.
Rsync is installed on both boxes ... both using Suse 9.0.
The users on both will be root in this case.
I only have this kind of setup for a week. Used to be standalone.

Kindly the full commandline command to accomplish this please..taking
account the above directory/partition info.

don't seem to get it right myself, can use rsync on workstation to

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