Joe Ruby wrote:
I'm trying to do a simple rsync:

rsync -av [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/backup .

But a number of files in /backup are readable only by
root, and hence rsync gives these errors:

sync: send_files failed to open
"/backup/etc/mail/virtusertable.db": Permission denied

Since root login is disabled, I can't simple do
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. I searched a bit and saw this:

rsync -av --rsync-path='sudo path'

I tried it -- rsync asks for my password, but then
doesn't output anything after many minutes (after
which I kill it).

So, how can I rsync files from my remote server so all
the files are readable and the existing permissions
get preserved (e.g. not having to do 'chmod -R a+r

Perhaps what you have shown in your email is incomplete, but based on what you have written, you have replaced the remote rsync with sudo. Instead you need to invoke rsync using sudo by giving a command to sudo. You might be able to do that using the --rsync-path argument like --rsync-path='<sudo path> rsync', I have not tried it. Or you could write a wrapper. Google "rsync wrapper".

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