On Thu, 2006-10-19 12:19:57 -0700, jerrytown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My wife's Windows XP laptop was stolen a couple days ago.  Every night the
> computer automatically preforms an rsync to a Debian Linux computer (the
> dumb-dumbs didn't steal that).  My question: if the laptop successfully
> connects to the Linux box can you think of anyway I can use this fact to
> track the computer (maybe an IP address from its location., etc.)?

Sure. Get the IP address and the exact timestamps of the session. Then
use whois to find out about the carrier this IP address belongs to.

Then email their abuse account (usually [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and ask
them for help.  If they're unwilling (most probably), go to the
nearest police station with your evidence.


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      [EMAIL PROTECTED]              +49-172-7608481
Signature of:           Ich hatte in letzter Zeit ein bißchen viel Realitycheck.
the second  :               Langsam möchte ich mal wieder weiterträumen können.

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