On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 05:03:01PM +0530, mohd tariq raza khan wrote:
> i have to first ssh as user with port 65300 and have to su - than
> only get root prompt of serverB.

This is a little easier if sudo also works, due to the way that su
demands that the whole command be quoted.  So, the sudo way:

rsync -ave 'ssh -p 65300' --rsync-path='sudo rsync' [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/src/ 

For the su way to work, you need a shell script named "su-rsync":

su - -c "rsync $*"

Put that on the path somewhere on serverB and run it like this:

rsync -ave 'ssh -p 65300' --rsync-path=su-rsync [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/src/ /dest/

Note that you can simplify some of those options by putting the port and
user details into your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host serverB
  User user
  Port 65300
  Protocol 2

Then the rsync command gets even easier:

rsync -av --rsync-path=su-rsync serverB:/src/ /dest/

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