I would like some advices to combine security and automated backup...
How rsync manage hosts allow parameter compared to /etc/hosts.allow?
Is it possible to use ssh key just for authentification not for crypted

I have also a problem to preserve owner:group properties even with archive
parameter which is supposed to do that.
I have to put gid =root and uid = root in /etc/rsyncd.cond to preserve
owner:group...Is it really secure?
Even with gid =root and uid = root, I have a problem when then gid is a
number (id) rsync puts the name of the group corresponding to this id but
it's the group of the server not of the local machine!!!!

For example If I want to backup /etc, in this folder I have a file root:1001
in my local machine...
When I see this file to the server I have
root:name_group_correspond_to_this_id for exemple root:subadmin, the problem
is that I don't have this group (subadmin) in my local machine...so it's not
really a backup.

Thanks for your help.


J'aimerais bien vos conseils pour allier securité et backup automatisé...
Comment est géré le paramètre hosts allow de rsync par rapport au fichier
/etc/hosts.allow ?
Est-il possible d'utilisé les clés SSH juste pour l'authentification non
pour un transfert chiffré?

Aussi je rencontre un problème pour conserver les owner:group malgrès le
paramètre -a (archive) qui est censé le faire.
Si je fais un backup d'un repertoire système genre /etc qui sont en
root:1001, sur le server de backup je les vois en root:subadmin subadmin
étant un group sur le server correspond à 1001.

merci pour votre aide.
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