I'm not sure if anyone else is interested, but here's a tool I've been using with rsync-3.0pre2 to backup my powerpc/mac onto linux with ext3 and fake-super:
        gcc -Wall -O2 -shared -fPIC -o libxattr.so libxattr.c -lsqlite3
This intercepts calls from rsync that deal with extended attributes. If the target is a symlink (where linux doesn't allow xattrs on symlinks) or the xattr is user.com.apple.ResourceFork (ext3 has a limit of 4k attributes), the extended attribute is redirected into an sqlite3 database. Otherwise, the extended attribute is set using the native filesystem calls. There is a performance penalty to this library as it causes a stat() on each extended attribute system call. When sqlite3 writes many attributes there is also substantial slow-down.

Start rsync like this:
XATTR_LOG=/tmp/xattr.log XATTR_DB=/var/whatever/xattr.db LD_PRELOAD=.../libxattr.so rsync <options>

Attachment: libxattr.c
Description: Binary data

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