On Sat, 2010-08-14 at 06:16 -0400, mike mitchell wrote:
> I wasn't able to reproduce the problem
> from any other source or destination, even in nested subdirectories
> within a directory in my home. It was only when using /home/mike as
> the source, so I guessed there must be something wrong in there. From
> what I could tell by looking through the verbose output, there's a
> directory, /home/mike/.subversion/auth, which is owned by root and
> which I have no read access to (I think yaourt created it).

I suspected that might be the problem, except that it should have
resulted in an error message to stderr and there was no such message in
the test output you showed (unless you edited it out).

> Once rsync
> would hit that, it seems like would just give up on deleting anything
> else for the rest of the process?

> I guess that's the case, because I'm excluding the .subversion
> directory and it seems to be working correctly now.

Right.  If rsync encounters any error on the source that might result in
the omission of existing files from the file list, it completely
disables deletion from that point on to ensure that destination files
are not wrongly deleted.  A finer granularity would be a good
enhancement, but it's not terribly important because the user should fix
the cause of the errors (as you did).


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