
I have read rsync manual and several howtos on how to use rsync, still
I don't know if it's doable what I want to do, and if yes, how.

The scenario:

I would like to make a local copy of openSUSE 13.2 repositories.
I use openSUSE linux.

The repos are located in a multi-level directory structure, eg:


Let's call this directory the root dir.

Each directory in the root has subdirectories, and one of the subdirectories is named "openSUSE_13.2". The openSUSE_13.2 dir can be one, two, or more level
downstairs in the root dir, eg:


There are plenty of directories in the root dir, and each subdirectory can
have several subdirectories.

Is it possible, using rsync, to download only all "openSUSE_13.2" directories with their contents, without specifying directly one by one every subdirectory
to be included or excluded?

I tried to use filters.txt file with content:

+ **openSUSE_13.2/***

with this command:

rsync -av --include-from=filters.txt rsync://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/opensuse/repositories/ ./

This downloads every directory. How can I exclude those are not openSUSE_13.2?



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