--- Comment #34 from David Nelson <> ---
FYI. Although when rsync ver. 3.0.9 is called in Ubuntu 12.04LTS to "push"
files to the server, e.g.,

rsync <pathtobackup>/ server::Backups/ 

it fails with the error:

rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(441)
[sender=3.0.9 [NB server rsync version is 3.1.0 running in Ubuntu 14.04LTS]

However, curiously, when issued as a "pull" from the server as:

rsync client::Sharetobackup/<pathto>/Backups/

it succeeds.

Furthermore, pushes from the client work when issued one-letter-as-a-time;

for i in {A..Z}; do \
rsync <pathtobackup>/${i}* server::Backups/ \

I discovered this while trying to isolate which, if any, of the files were
causing it to choke. Turns out none of them were, but identifying them all with
a wildcard * was.

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