My apologies. I'm evidently not communicating very well.

I am not asking for a list of what "needs to be transferred", I am looking for a list of those things that are "candidates to transfer". In other words, the source items minus exclusions/filters or anything else that will be ignored (by rsync).

Is there any option for rsync that offers such a list?

> find /path -type f -or -type d -print  (or -ls)

This tells me nothing about what *rsync* expects to do. In particular it won't consider rsync's filters/exclusions.


On 2018-09-12 20:54, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
How would it know what needs to be transferred without looking at both
source and target?  You are correct that it doesn't pay any attention to
the target because it doesn't need a target.  If the source is remote
then it will connect to the remote to do a remote listing and if the
source is local then no connection is needed but then neither is rsync.
As far as obeying the recursive flag, so does ls.

I didn't know it cared about exclude rules but you are right that it
does.  Guess I never tried.  I only ever used it when I was trying to
see what was on an rsync server.

Anyway, if you want to list all the files and dirs but not symlinks and
others in a local tree:
find /path -type f -or -type d -print  (or -ls)

On 09/12/2018 07:53 PM, Michael Hipp via rsync wrote:
Thank you. But I'm afraid I don't understand. The man entry reads:

     This option will cause the source files to be listed instead of
transferred. This option is inferred if there is a single source arg and
no destination specified..."

It doesn't say anything about "list remote files". In fact I am not sure
why it would even contact the remote end. And the behavior does not
change even if no destination is specified.

As far as it ignoring the rest of the command line, note that it does
obey exclusion rules. Symlinks seem to be the only anomaly in its output.

I use --dry-run and --itemize-changes frequently. But I was trying to
find something that would give me a correct list of the candidate source
files but without having to make an expensive connect to the remote
server. Any suggestions?

Michael Hipp

On 2018-09-12 11:17, Kevin Korb via rsync wrote:
--list-only is simply a way to list remote files when you only have
access via rsync.  It ignores the rest of the command line.  You want
--dry-run (--itemize-changes would be a good idea too).

On 09/12/2018 11:06 AM, Michael Hipp via rsync wrote:
The output of --list-only isn't as I expected as regards symlinks. Here
are my test files:

$ ls ./src
-rw-------  1 michael michael    0 2018-09-05 09:18:15 file
lrwxrwxrwx  1 michael michael    4 2018-09-05 09:18:28 near_symlink
-> file
lrwxrwxrwx  1 michael michael   23 2018-09-05 09:19:05 far_symlink ->

The "destination" dir is empty:

$ ls ./dest
drwxr-xr-x 31 michael michael 4.0K 2018-09-12 09:46:06 ..
drwx------  2 michael michael 4.0K 2018-09-12 09:50:20 .

I want to know which files are candidates to transfer. I don't want
symlinks to transfer. So I run it with --list-only :

$ rsync -r --no-links --list-only ./src/ ./dest
drwx------          4,096 2018/09/06 09:39:16 .
lrwxrwxrwx             23 2018/09/05 09:19:05 far_symlink
-rw-------              0 2018/09/05 09:18:15 file
lrwxrwxrwx              4 2018/09/05 09:18:28 near_symlink

This seems to indicate the symlinks are expected to transfer. But if I
actually run the transfer by removing --list-only ...

$ rsync -r --no-links ./src/ ./dest
skipping non-regular file "far_symlink"
skipping non-regular file "near_symlink"

It does not transfer the symlinks and this is confirmed by the contents
of dest:

$ ls ./dest
drwxr-xr-x 31 michael michael 4.0K 2018-09-12 09:46:06 ..
-rw-------  1 michael michael    0 2018-09-12 09:57:50 file
drwx------  2 michael michael 4.0K 2018-09-12 09:57:50 .

So it seems like --list-only isn't being truthful as it surely knows
beforehand the symlinks will not be transferred regardless of the
condition of dest.

What am I missing?

Michael Hipp

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