The test suite for RT::Crypt::SMIME is realy intended for a development environment. It's unfortunate, but I wouldn't expect it to work on your
live RT instance.

So, if I do a force install and ignore the failing tests, I should not have any worries about this module performing its functions properly (i.e., signing, encrypting/decrypting emails encapsulated in MIME, etc.)?

As a heads up, we last qualified it for a customer on 3.6. I don't know
for sure that it works on 3.8.  We could certainly bring it up to date
(or take a patch)

I would truly appreciate it if you would be able to update this module to work with RT 3.8, as we were hoping to use SMIME features of RT. Incidentally, if this upgrade is not feasible, what do you suggest as an alternative?

Thanks & Regards,




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