Dear Sirs,
Thanks for your compliments.
Noted your Points, &  will do our level best  in the subject matter. ( i.e. 
include your points 
in  RTI Demands/ Charter)
 Thanks & Warm Regards,
 Vihar Durve 
( on behalf of Vivek Velankar, Jugal Rathi, Dr Pande, Vijay Kumbhar, Shahid 
Burney, Krishraj Rao , Mohmmed Afzal, Goran Vora & millions of Indians) 

--- On Tue, 24/3/09, Transparency International India 
<> wrote:

From: Transparency International India <>
Subject: Re: [rti4empowerment] RTI activists make 10-pt draft for political 
To: "Vihar Durve" <>
Date: Tuesday, 24 March, 2009, 11:52 AM

Dear Friends,
Our compiments for your efforts. Besides, a detailed study of the RTI Act, with 
a practical session, should be introduced in all schools and col­leges," we 
feel the need of empowering the common man through the effective implementation 
of Citizens' Charters - introduced in 1997 to provide hassel-free public 
services to which the common man is entitled to. If these services are 
available to the common man in the normal course, there may not be any need to 
use RTI to such an extent. 
However, the present Citizens’ Charters in general have been found to be 
deficient particularly in motivating the service providers to provide 
hassle-free public services. Therefore, following steps are suggested  –

Awareness and Consultation: About 70% of the intended beneficiaries are not 
aware of the existence of the Citizens’ Charter at all. How can then they ever 
demand its implementation?  What is worse, most of the personnel in a 
Government department themselves are not aware of the existence of a Citizens 
Charter in their department.  Consequently, it is, inter alia, recommend that –
- The Citizens’ Charter should be prepared in consultation with all the 
stakeholders, like employees of the department dealing with the public, service 
users and the concerned NGOs, by publishing the draft charter and inviting 
suggestions from all concerned. 
-       The Citizens’ Charter shall be displayed (in English, Hindi and the 
local language) prominently at the entrance of the department concerned, These 
should be printed and made available with the Receptionist or the Public 
Relations Officer (PRO), so that any citizen going to the Department can have 
it free of charge. 
-     Alongwith RTI, Citizens’ Charters should also be mentioned in the 
curriculum at school level to create awareness about them among the future 
Introduction of e-Governance: All incoming letters, applications and complaints 
should be computerised, and the current status is reflected on the website. As 
a result, it should be possible for any applicant or complainant to ascertain 
the progress in his case without visiting the Office or to take the help of a 
Dalal or tout. Further, it should be incumbent on the Department on receipt of 
any Application to immediately point out if there is any deficiency in the 
Compensation: It is essential to insert a compensation clause on the pattern of 
Central RTI Act 2005 and some other similar states’ Acts in all Citizens’ 
Charters if the promised service standards are not adhered to. This alone will 
make the officer concerned with the delivery of the specific service fully 
accountable for any delay or denial of that service. Such a provision exists in 
several Citizens’ Charters (particularly relating to the critical services like 
water, electricity, telephone and gas) in U.K.  In certain Citizens’ Charters 
in Andhra Pradesh, provisions have been made to suitably compensate service 
seekers for deficiency in promised standards of services. 
Review: Every Citizens’ Charter should be reviewed periodically by the Head of 
the Department concerned, in consultation with the service users and the 
Citizens’ Ombudsman. The date of issue of every Citizens charter shall be 
mentioned on it.
Hope you people may like to consider the above suggestions.
Thanks & Regards S K Agarwal
On 3/20/09, Vihar Durve <> wrote: 

 Pune: RTI activists from the city, on Fri­day, demanded that political parties 
should give priority to the RTI Act in Pune: RTI their election manifesto. 
These activists have together penned a 10-point draft that they want included 
in all contest­ing parties' election mani­festos and also displayed on their 
respective websites. 
  Addressing a press con­ference here on Friday Vivek Velankar, president of 
Sajag Nagrik Manch, said, "Lakhs of citizens are facing many obstacles in 
submitting RTI applications and getting proper response from vari­ous 
authorities. Hence, we have demanded for an official RTI rub­ber stamp, 
properties of public servants should be made public, citizens should be 
consulted before appointing infor­mation commissioners and adequate budget for 
RTI implementations among other things." 
  Activists said that these demands were reasonable, easy to implement and well 
in accordance with the preamble to the RTI Act and the Constitution of In­dian. 
In their 10-point draft the activists have also demanded that in compliance 
with the RTI Act Section TV, state infor­mation commissions and state 
govern­ment bodies must have specific websites under the National Informatics 
Centre. They also said that online fil­ing of forms, standard of performance, 
list of docu­ments, complaints and in­quiries regarding the status of files 
should be added dis­played on these websites. 
  "Post offices must accept RTI applications, first and second RTI appeals for 
all public authorities under all state and central govern­ments. In fact, a 
detailed study of the RTI Act, with a practical session, should be introduced 
in all schools and col­leges," Velankar said. 
  Other activists like Jugal Rathi of PMP Pravasi Manch, Vijay Kumbhar, 
president of Surajya Sangharsha Sami-ti and Vihar Durve, among others, have 
also supported this move. 

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