Hello all,
OK, the solution was not in the mysterious SMM or anything like this, but in 
a bad understanding of an engineer (me, in the case :( When I saw 
"SpeedStep", with the option "Maximum Performance", I went for it. This seems 
to make something very strange. Anyway, maximum performance is reached if it 
is put to "Disabled". Like this there are no more long interrupts every 2-3 
 Strange thing, but anyway thanks to everyone who wrote me "disable 
speedstep". Sometimes life's so simple!



On Thursday 07 February 2002 12:14, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running a RH7.2 with a rtlinux 3.1 a linux-2.2.19 kernel on a DELL
> Latitude laptop. Data aquisition is done with a PCI-card which holds a 9080
> Now: on a dual-pentium, this works real nice. No problem at all. The
> wakeup-time is always accurate to at least 50us (the time of a "slot").
> But, as soon as I let it run on the laptop (single processor, 1GHz PIII),
> these wakeup-calls may be missed by as much as 10ms (yes, 200 "slots") once
> every 2-3 minutes.
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