BY: Rob MacAulay
DATE: 2007-07-09 12:29
SUBJECT: Installing Ruby-VPI on Ubuntu


First of all, sorry if the following shows my ignorance.

I'm trying to install Ruby-Vpi 16.0.1 on Ubuntu 7.04

I think I have sucessfully installed, although it may be worthwhile
pointing out to other Ubuntu installers that one has to install
ruby, *and* rake *and* gem *and* rcov using apt-get or the synaptic
package manager. It was not sufficient to just install ruby, gem,
and then rely on gem installs, because paths are not set up.

I did then install ruby-vpi using gem install, as shown in the
instructions. This was OK, although if you don't install rake using
apt-get, everything will fall over.

So - now I'd like to run the tutorial. However, I think that I now
have the same problem as before - the generate_test.rb script is not
on the path anywhere, so I can't run the first part of the exercise.
Presumably this will be true for all the other utilities also.

How should the tools be installed?


Rob MacAulay

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