Hi All,

I've run into a problem using Ruby-VPI in VCS trying to iterate over the defparams. Every interface in the vpiModule can be accessed correctly without any issues. The only issue occurs when trying to read the vpiDepParam objects. The error is a core dump in VCS. This issue seems to be regardless to version as VCS fails on both 2006.06-sp1 and 2009.06. I am using ruby-vpi version 21.1.0 as well.

The core dump occures on the following code section:

defparamIterater = vpi_iterate(vpiDefParam, designHandle)
while(defParamHandle = vpi_scan(defparamIterater))
   p defParamHandle

The error that VCS reports before the stack traces are dumped is:

Internal error in tool's source file "../vir/vir.cc" line 311.
Please send these messages to vcs_supp...@synopsys.com.

Again, this only occurs when trying to view design defparams. Has anyone seen this error before? I was hoping this was something someone has seen before because its hard to imagine that there is a global problem trying to view defparams.


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