Here's what I've selected for the 1.3.2 release notes. Let me know if I left out something important. (I'm still doing some work on documentation here and there.)

I may be out of town over the coming weekend, so I expect I'd do a release Monday 4/13 or Tuesday 4/14.

Release 1.3.2 fixes some bugs and adds some features.

Select New Features:

* RubyGems now loads plugins from rubygems_plugin.rb in installed gems.
  This can be used to add commands (See Gem::CommandManager) or add
  install/uninstall hooks (See Gem::Installer and Gem::Uninstaller).
* Gem::Version now understands prerelease versions using letters. (eg.
  '1.2.1.b')  Thanks to Josh Susser, Alex Vollmer and Phil Hagelberg.
* RubyGems now includes a Rake task for creating gems which replaces rake's
  Rake::GemPackageTask.  See Gem::PackageTask.
* Gem::find_files now returns paths in $LOAD_PATH.
* Added Gem::promote_load_path for use with Gem::find_files
* Added Gem::bin_path to make finding executables easier. Patch #24114 by
  James Tucker.
* Various improvements to build arguments for installing gems.
* Gem::Specification
  * #validate complains about not-files.
  * #description no longer removes newlines.
  * #name must be a String.
  * FIXME is no longer allowed in various fields.
  * Added support for a license attribute.  Feature #11041 (partial).
* Removed Gem::Specification::list, too much process growth. Bug #23668 by
    Steve Purcell.
* `gem generate_index`
  * Can now generate an RSS feed.
  * Modern indicies can now be updated incrementally.
  * Legacy indicies can be updated separately from modern.

Select Bugs Fixed:

* Better gem activation error message. Patch #23082.
* Kernel methods are now private.  Patch #20801 by James M. Lawrence.
* Fixed various usability issues with `gem check`.
* `gem update` now rescues InstallError and continues. Bug #19268 by Gabriel
* Allow 'https', 'file' as a valid schemes for --source.  Patch #22485.
* `gem install`
  * Now removes existing path before installing.  Bug #22837.
* Uses Gem::bin_path in executable stubs to work around Kernel#load bug in
* --user-install
* `gem install --no-user-install` now works. Patch #23573 by Alf Mikula. * `gem uninstall` can now uninstall from ~/.gem. Bug #23760 by Roger Pack.
* setup.rb
* Clarify RubyGems RDoc installation location. Bug #22656 by Gian Marco
* Allow setup to run from read-only location. Patch #21862 by Luis Herrera. * Fixed overwriting ruby executable when BASERUBY was not set. Bug #24958
    by Michael Soulier.
  * Ensure we're in a RubyGems dir when installing.
* Deal with extraneous quotation mark when autogenerating .bat file on MS
    Windows.  Bug #22712.

Deprecation Notices:

* Gem::manage_gems has been removed.
* Time::today will be removed in RubyGems 1.4.

For a full list of changes to RubyGems and the contributor for each change, see
the ChangeLog file.

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