On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:29 PM, John Barnette <jbarne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Tom Werner wrote:
>> This command would look in each source, in order, for a gem with the
>> 'mojombo' namespace and the 'jekyll' name. The main benefit here is that the
>> gem would be installed as just 'jekyll' instead of 'mojombo-jekyll' as in
>> the current situation. This elegantly solves the problem that stems from a
>> gemspec declaring 'jekyll' as a dependency, and even though the
>> 'mojombo-jekyll' gem is installed, it is not detected as satisfying the
>> dependency even though, logically, the user expects that it should. This
>> also solves the problem of gem name collisions between Rubyforge and GitHub
>> such as 'net-ssh'.
> I'll try and respond to this in more detail later, but one quick note as I 
> read it: What happens with gem updates? If the gem is installed as "jekyll," 
> how would RubyGems know where to pull updates? Are you thinking about a 
> change in the gemspec?

One simple way would be for the client to store the source from which
it came. On update, it would simply re-check that source. If that
source were unavailable, the user could be prompted for what action to
take (search other sources or abort).

I didn't mention this in the previous message, but it would probably
also be handy to list the namespace in the `gem list` output, like so
(or something equivalent):

$ gem list
mojombo/jekyll (0.5.3)

And perhaps an additional flag would also list the primary source:

$ gem list --sources
mojombo/jekyll (0.5.3) from http://gems.github.com

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