Bugs item #25998, was opened at 2009-05-22 01:34
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Category: documentation
Group: None
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: David Miani (nanothief)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Had > instead of ~> in docs for specifying a pessimist

Initial Comment:
While reading chapter 5 of the user guide 
(http://rubygems.org/read/chapter/16), in the section about 
PessimisticVersionContraints, I came across this:

...Doing this is cumbersome, so RubyGems provides a pessimistic operator ~~> 
(read: approximately greater than). Using the pessimistic operator, we get:

gem 'library', '> 2.2'

The pessimistic operators is first said to be '~~>', but the example uses '>'. 
From trying these examples in irb, I think both are wrong, and the correct 
operator is '~>'. So I think the section should read:

...Doing this is cumbersome, so RubyGems provides a pessimistic operator ~> 
(read: approximately greater than). Using the pessimistic operator, we get:

gem 'library', '~> 2.2'

Also there is a minor formatting problem, the text "(read: approximately 
greater than). Using the pessimistic operator, we get:" uses the coding style 
instead of the normal style.


Comment By: Nick Hildebrant (nihildeb)
Date: 2009-08-26 15:18

Documentation corrected. 

Formatting issue is a problem in the textile rendering. ~something~ would make 
something subscript. Textile does include escaping (\) but it doesn't seem to 
be implemented in this implementation, and then even it is for a whole text 
block, so it would not be possible to use on a code section.

recommend close


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