
Got something similar to this:

                $$("#settings fieldset")[0].insert(new Element("input", {
                        type: "button",
                        name: "updateSettings",
                        id: "updateSettings",
                        value: "Update Settings"
                }).observe('click', function()
                        var params = "";
                        var counter = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
                                if (inputs[i].type != "hidden")
                                        params += "settings[" + counter + "]" + 
"=" + inputs[i].id + ":"
+ inputs[i].value + "&";
                                        params += inputs[i].id + "=" + 
inputs[i].value + "&";

                        new Ajax.Request('/Composing-SettingsSave.rails', {
                                method: 'post',
                                asynchronous: true,
                                parameters: params,
                                onSuccess: tellSuccessSave,
                                onFailure: tellFailureSave
                }, false).wrap("p"));

And as you can see the content is sent using string concatenation.
I.e. it's rather ugly and also breaks when I have & characters in the

So instead I want to do something like this:

                        $$("#settings fieldset")[0].insert(new Element("input", 
                        type: "button",
                        name: "updateSettings",
                        id: "updateSettings",
                        value: "Update Settings"
                }).observe('click', function()
                        var params = {};
                        var counter = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
                                if (inputs[i].type != "hidden")
                                        params.push({"settings[" + counter + 
"]" : inputs[i].id + ":" +
inputs[i].value });
                                        params.push({inputs[i].id : 
inputs[i].value });

                        new Ajax.Request('/Composing-SettingsSave.rails', {
                                method: 'post',
                                asynchronous: true,
                                parameters: params,
                                onSuccess: tellSuccessSave,
                                onFailure: tellFailureSave
                }, false).wrap("p"));

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work.. Could anyone help me here?
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