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Fred wrote:
> Do you have a reference for that?  I've searched both Firefox and
> Mozilla bug lists for "getElementsByTagName" but found nothing
> relevant.
I remember I had a long conversation some time ago on this issue, and
lots of bugzilla tickets came up to "support" our concern. Luckily, we
have that conversation on record, so here are some tickets that may be
of interest: 276037, 331174, 18333 (there are 17 more in fact, but as
you will see from 18333, the problem goes down way too deep to be able
to follow it easily) ;-)

I see there were lots of tests cases involved, but no URL is still
alive. If you are interested, I'll try reviving some of them and maybe
forge something more appropriate as a "proof of concept" for us.

Yet, does somebody else care about this issue? As it seems,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] got his issue solved by my previous message and - as
Peter Michaux told us - script.aculo.us does give a shit about it, as
"scriptaculous.js file is only provided for convenience".

- --
Marius Feraru


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