maybe using the anonymous function was a bad example.

my point is just the Event.observers array. it can get quite big if you
have a ton of observers.
let say you have a hundred elements each in a partial and each element
has an observer for mouseover, mouseout and click
a total of 300 observers

if i re-render that partial
instead of three hundred, I now have 600 because it doesn't clear the
old elements from the array.
and if the user lets say re-renders the partial 20 times I now have
6000 objects in array.

not to say that there is a performance issue because the events attach,
detach regardless if there in the array or not.
I'm just saying it should do a little house keeping on the array. :)

cause I'm righting some test I would like to call some function
assert it has added 2 observers to the array

call remove and assert it has 0 observers in the array

or maybe I'm too specific with my event listener.

On Dec 14, 1:16 pm, "Martin Bialasinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/14/06, heidmotron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > script is:
> > Event.observe('test', 'click', function(){ alert('I am so happy') })
> > Your Event.observers.length is 1
> > then you want to remove test, so before you actually remove it from the
> > dom you are kind enough to say,
> > "hey, test div, stop observing that click and go have a beer"
> > Event.stopObserving('test', 'click', function(){ alert('I am so happy')
> > })
> > You would think that observer would have beer and get out of the
> > Event.observers array so length would equal Zero.The observers array is not 
> > the problem. You want the browser to stop
> executing the function on click, and stopObserving does work this way.
> The problem with your code is, that you say "react to click by
> executing anonymous function1" and then say "do not longer react to
> click by executing anonymous function2". Your functions look the same,
> but they are not the same objects. So the browser can't remove the
> event listener.
> Try this in firebug:
> (function(){ foo }) === (function(){ foo })
> The result is "false".
> You need to save the function on observe and pass it on stopObserving.
> var mycallback = function(){ alert('I am so happy') };
> // function(ev){ alert('I am so happy') }.bindAsEventListener(); to
> get the event object
> Event.observe('test', 'click', mycallback);
> Event.stopObserving('test', 'click', mycallback);
> It will not remove the entry from the observers array, but it will
> remove the event listener, and this is what counts.

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